Channel: Andria Childress
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: my 2020 bullet journalbullet journal setupbullet journal2020 plan with me bullet journalbullet journal for beginners2020 bullet journalhow to bullet journalbullet journalingstationary2020 planner2020 bullet journal plan with me2020 bullet journal set upeasy bullet journalminimal bullet journal
Description: Plan with me for 2020! Im showing you how I set up my 2020 Bullet Journal What is Bullet Journaling? Bullet Journaling is a method of journaling you can use to record and organize basically any type of task, thought, or idea — daily, monthly, work, home, personal, school, etc. Who can Bullet Journal? Anyone 🙂 What Can I include in my bullet journal? Anything you want! Be as creative or minimal as you would like. It it totally up to you. Inspirations and Helpful Links: F O L L O W M E: ♡ ♡Twitter: ♡Snapchat: a.nicolec ♡BUSINESS INQUIRIES (ONLY):